Anyone here have a mentally disabled relative?... im curious how one would take this.
I have the experience of having an autistic adult cousin. I have to admit, we have videos similar to this sort of thing. An example is him "working out" in our living room, which consists of doing pushups and shouting at the top of his lungs as he counts to ten. Our family has a good laugh about the things he does but we would NEVER humiliate him for it (esp based on the condition itself), let alone put it online.
I bring this up because although i think there is something inherently funny about people doing things out of the social norm, it is walking a fine line when it comes rationalizing what in fact you are laughing at.
Its funny to see anyone do something wacky, on the other hand it is unacceptable to laugh at something like this "because they are mentally disabled". Watch yourself op