Hello Newschoolers, I have some goods for you today. The rules of this sale are as follows:
-Feel free to offer up in this thread, but PM'ed offers are preferred
-Buyer pays shipping
-All prices are OBO
-I give out karma to people who make me laugh really hard with funny bumps
-No feeler item is a guaranteed sale until I declare that I for sure want to sell it. Until that point, I'm only listing said item to see how much I could potentially make off of it; these items don't NEED to be sold
-Please don't be a douchebag; it's distasteful and nobody likes it
Now, for the actual sale.
First on the list is a pair of size LARGE mint Bloom Outerwear pants, in about 5/10 condition. These have several edge slits around the cuffs, typical of any pants that have been skied in the park for a season. Additionally, they have one hole, about 1 cm in diameter, pictured below, near the knee of the left leg, which was caused by me eating shit on a rail and my pants catching some little burr in the metal. As far as I can tell, it only goes through the top layer of the material and not all the way through to the interior. The hole is primarily cosmetic and I have not found it to leak any water; it happened around halfway through last season and I didn't experience any leakage for the rest of the season. Still, it's a hole and has the potential to leak water so I'm not making any guarantees. Otherwise, they're a little dirty, most of which should come off in a good washing, which I can do before shipping them out. 20K waterproofing, sans the hole. These pants are going brand new right now for $90, so I guess I'll price these at $45 OBO.

Next, I have a pair of Smith I/O goggles. This is a FEELER. The frame is the Irie Stereo colorway and is in 8.5/10 condition, as the foam is just beginning to separate from the frame, but I would guess these have another good 70-100 days in them, maybe longer if they're well taken care of. The foam isn't ripped in any way though. They come with a Green Sol-X lens and a Blue Sensor Mirror lens, both of which are in 9.9/10 condition with no scratches, no breaks in the lens seal, and no fogging issues. I have taken very good care of these goggles. I would be open to frame trades, or frame+lens trades. No lens only trades, and I will not sell these separately. This either goes as a package trades for other I/O combos. Offer up on these.

Lastly, I have a fake Rolex Submariner watch. The movement is automatic self-winding, but not authentic. Also, the band is a little wonky. It does close and does adjust, but it can be a little difficult. If anyone buys this, I'll include instructions about adjusting the length of the band and locking it as well. Offer up on this one, I have no idea how much it's worth.
Thanks for looking, and happy bidding!