I desperately need some help guys. +K for some advice i havent heard before that actually works. -K for hate for not being able to grab haha.
Here's the deal:
I can now do 360s both ways, and natural 540s, as well as switch 360 both ways. All off 30+ foot park jumps.
However, I can't seem to be able to grab my skis in the air without corking the shit out of my rotation. I land on my face, side or back every time I try to spin more than 180 with a grab. I've tried all sorts of grabs, including mute, critical, safety, and japan, but everytime the result is the same. my rotation slows down, and I go completely horizontal to a gnarly crash.
I'm sick of backslapping and eating shit trying to simply make my tricks look smoother. Please help me guys, I'd really appreciate it, and If anyone has some advice that truly works, I have some sick stickers to send you.