this is the first time I've clicked on the forums in a week or two. Seeing as Bush won I couldn't help but check out all the crying.
According to many promises made by liberals on this site a lot of you will be moving to Canada today! Good luck!
I secretly wanted Kerry to win just because I don't feel like listening to liberals bitch and moan for the next four years, and thats the honest truth. I think this really shows how weak of a Canidate Kerry was. With all the anti-bush bash bush bandwagons going on here in America and all the international anamosity (sp?) towards Bush. Kerry still couldn't pull it off, which shows he wasn't the man for the job.
As much as you all are freaking out right now, How bad was the last 4 years of your life? Honestly? I've lived through quite a few presidency's and I couldn't differentiate between any of them.
Also, try not to worry about the Repubs having the majority because there are more moderate/liberal Repubs than there are conservative democrats. I've watched the voting on C-span plenty of times and Dems NEVER (like one or two at most) sway to the right on issues literally and repubs will sway about 10-15% of the time to the left on average I noticed.
What is it your particularly scared about anyway? What has Bush done to scare you in the past? What do you project he will do to ruin your life in the future? Everyone just relax it's not that big of a deal there are plenty of checks and balances to keep one party from going apeshit wild
We pay our debt sometimes.