Hey man, thanks for the input!!
I would like to say that our "stabilizer" (or holding device) is a broken metal broom handle that is right around a foot long, and in the hands of a good fiilmer, it's definitely stable. But I totally get what you're saying. Maybe I'll add another arm to it to stabilize even more/
Ya, we know we are definitely not the best, but we look to have fun. So that's good to hear that we got that accomplished. We are definitely going to put out shorter edits (think 3mins-3 and a half?)
That was my bad, it's hard filming with a group haha. I will definitely not pan back up anymore.
Haha thanks man. It's hard working with iMovie. I am getting better and hope to get some better software at some point. But I could definitely do better with color and what not.
That is what I was going for! I'm glad you caught on to that haha.
Thanks so much for the input man, I really appreciate it!!