I'm training for a Tough Mudder and want to share my progress with all of you. The race is June 15th in Beaver Creek, CO. For those who don't know, a Tough Mudder is a 10-12 mile race with ~30 obstacles in the way, including Ice Plunges, Barbed Wire Crawls, Log Carrys, and live electrical wires you have to run through (seriously.) check out toughmudder.com to see what the race is like.
I've created a twitter account that will track my training progress as I prepare for the race. If you're interested in seeing how I do, give me a follow at @TuffMudderracer. I'll be tweeting about my training progress, any volunteer work I do, and any content I produce (training videos, pictures, etc). Link: https://twitter.com/TuffMudderracer.
The reason I'm sharing this with all of you is that I can raise money for The Wounded Warrior Project. The Wounded Warrior Project (@wwpinc on Twitter) is an organization that supports combat veterans who began serving our country after 9/11 as they return home. They support veterans with missing limbs and severe combat injuries, as well as individuals suffering from psychological trauma such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). WWP also supports families of veterans as they have things like extended hospital visits, etc.
If you're interested in raising money for WWP by raising money for my race team, I've added the link below. Donations are tax deductible, and definitely go towards a great cause. https://register.toughmudder.com/fundraising/donate.aspx?event=13403&fundraiser=r5837178
I hope you all enjoy watching my progress and cheering me on. I've been a member of the NS community for a long time, and am always encouraged by the support this community provides, be it financial or emotional. So thanks in advance for the encouragement and support. Know that it means a lot. And hey, skiing is a great cross training activity!
Feel free to give me a shout via PM if you have questions or need additional information, happy to provide it.
Again, thanks a bunch!
Joe Viseur
Member since 2003