Don't listen to these mac loving kids, or adults. Whatever they may be, they do have an opinion, but down to the facts PC constantly come out first compared to a mac. Do some tests and then maybe you will stop crying macs are the best? Anyways, obviously a high-end laptop will cost the same as a mac, 1000-2000. If you are spending more than 2000 then reconsider your choices. You can find a perfect laptop for editing. I know mine was 750, with 2.3-3.1ghz and 8gb ram. Perfect for on the go editing, yes it is a bit slow for render times in after effects but it does the job. In my opinion macs do look better aesthetically, but when it relates to the hardware PC easily shutdown macs.
Bottom line, get what is within your budget and possibly do some research on what the parts of a laptop/desktop computer do so you can fully understand the vast difference of PC's to macbook hardware. And don't forget, PC's are much easier to change and swap hardware, laptops are a bit more difficult. But PCs are far superior to macs if you know what you are actually spending your money on.
Mac's are wonderful pieces of technology, and are definitely worth the money. I am not putting the company down in anyway, but if you have that kind of money you can get a pc laptop that will perform much better.
Sources: I have had both PC's and Mac's, both 2012 models so they aren't dinosaurs.