If a church wants to deny a homosexual couple from being married, that's fine. I don't care if a religion wants to deny groups participation in their ceremonies. They are fully justified in doing so. But, as soon as government treatment of them changes, it is no longer justified.
The argument that homosexuality is a choice is also not well founded. Do you really choose what you are attracted to? No. When you see a something that is aestheticly unpleasing (for example a garbage can) can you change your mind and find that thing beautiful? Go try it. You can't.
Even though I believe that homosexualaty is not a choice, I can also understand why people deny it. If you are raised to believe that it is a sin to be a homosexual, then to deny that choice is going to fundamentaly change your beliefs. I accept that people are not going to change there beliefs. I can accept that they think it is choice, but I don't accept them using that as justification for denying social benifits to gays.
I find it ironic that people make comparisons between homosexual marriage and a person marrying a dog. The fact that you can even consider the two to be relevent toward eachother show's truely how lowly you think of homosexuals. That is cruelly disgusting.
One thing I don't understand is why do you think that homosexual marriage (the governemnt 'civil union', not the religious ceremony) is any different that heterosuxual marriages?
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