Replying to ...I'm a fucking liberal?
Today I did a lot of thinking. We had a mock election at our school, and I voted for Bush. I voted for Bush because I've considered myself a 'conservative' for a long time, and, for the most part, I agree with the way Bush has handled the war in Iraq, and the way he dealt with foreign policy before and during the conflicts. I mean, honestly, fuck Germany and fuck the UN, if we feel like we need to go to war to defend our country, we shouldn't have to ask the permission of some council to do it. It's our fucking security at stake, and neither the UN nor anybody else can tell us otherwise.
Okay, even not concerning the war, I feel like Bush is a much stronger, more decisive leader than John Kerry, although he may not be the quickest antelope on the savannah. Kerry's too much of a flip-flopper to be very decisive. I doubt he would have had the balls to take Iraq while Saddam still held it and the UN opposed us.
With all that being said, I disagree strongly with Bush on several issues, the first of which is gay marriage. I don't care whether you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, or some other -sexual, I think that any two people on this planet should be allowed to get married, whether it's a gay couple or not. And I think Bush's stance on this issue is despicable; he's been pushing the bible-says-no point of view purely so that he can get the vote of the Catholic right, and that is Catholic wrong.
Second, his views on abortion are completely against what I believe. I am pro-choice; I believe that when a fetus is inside a woman's body, it belongs to her and she can do whatever she likes with it, and nobody can tell her otherwise. I don't know what amendment this falls under in the Bill of Rights, but I'm sure it violates several to tell a woman she can't have an abortion if she wants to. It's not that the amendments are the issue here, it's more of a moral issue for me.
So, in conclusion, today I experienced somewhat of a minor revalation, and that is that I disagree very strongly with Bush's views on two major issues, and that I respect Kerry a lot more for opposing those views.
Don't get me wrong, I still support the war in Iraq and all that jazz, but lately I've been finding myself leaning much more towards the Kerry side of the barn that is this dirty presidential election. I feel like by writing this I've been cleansed, somehow, even though I feel like I've slightly betrayed myself somehow.
I guess they both suck. It's just that now, after all this time, I feel like Kerry is the lesser of two shitty presidential candidates. Where's Abraham Lincoln when you need him?
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