Cruising to Holiday Valley in the shittiest conditions possible, watching deer jump over cars and truck drivers crashing and I think to myself.. what could possibly happen to me?.....
15 minutes later i run out of gas!
Used my brothers truck for magical 4WD powers and i forgot it had no gas light just a shitty gauge. As i sit their realizing i'm going to die like Liam Neeson's buddies:
Andy and Ross continued on to the next town to seek fuel, they returned with a can and 2 gallons! Took some time out of their way to save another skiers day out on the mountain! Such great dudes!!!!!
Traveling Circus 4 life! Hit up the Tell A Friend Tour when it comes close to you! Even if it's a long drive it's worth it! You can learn so much, meet so many people, and they give out AWESOME STUFF!