I pulled the shit out of my back this past summer wakeboarding. It was pretty excruciating for weeks. I had take time off from work and just lay down. I ended up going to a chiropractor and she really helped me out.
I am not a medical professional, by any stretch, but the keys to my recovery have been:
-don't overtax yourself, feeling "good" some day does not mean attack the day, be slow, pace yourself.
-stretch, every day. I wake up and stretch now.
-stretching your back is obviously important and can help alleviate the strain on muscles, but your hip, glutes, guads etc (any upper leg) is key to stretch. Those muscle groups are all interconnected.
-focus on good posture, even when picking something up off the ground.
Last but not least, don't listen to me, go see a real medical professional and get checked out. A back is nothing to fuck with.