title says it all. State unpopular opinions you have.
4chan isn't thatbad once you get past all the porn and /b/tards
Lil Wayne has made some alright songs
Hopsin is a bitch
Hood crew is dope
Your turn NSG
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BethuneSmash Bros Melee is the most fun game
cornholiokendrick is a shitty rapper
SterlingArchermovies for the most part have been shitty lately
russsavokskisStraight outta compton is good if you're into that kind of stuff
SterlingArcherI haven't seen it.. can't find any decent versions online. Most everything I've come across was filmed with a potato.
SterlingArchermovies for the most part have been shitty lately
ObeseBunny-Most of the midwest shouldn't exist
ColaRADoFat people are mostly just lazy people. Not everything is genetics, it's habits and lack of willpower.
SkitnitGay marriage should not be legal, and neither should abortion.
Donald Trump would make an excellent president, and Bush did a good job in Iraq.
We need to take over Canada and Mexico
S.J.WRap these days is fucking shit
tac0.slayer-I really dislike many female action sport "athletes" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I say many, because no disrespect to women who truly shred, but it seems as if you can kinda-sorta ride a bike/ski/surf, and you can post half-naked pictures of yourself while holding your gear, you can get thousands of followers and likes and the cash starts rolling in.
So like when I see a good looking shredder chick on Instagram, who claims to be a pro-whatever, but 80% of their feed is pictures of them lounging on some beach or just chairlift selfies, and hardly any actual shredding pics, I kind of lose some respect for them. Its like its almost unfair to the ladies who truly do shred, worked hard to get where they are, and don't need to hawk themselves out. A good example of someone like this would be like Angel Collison, who truly can shred and does rad things, and doesn't feel the need to post pictures of themselves 24/7
BethuneSmash Bros Melee is the most fun game
nocturnalIt's always sunny in Philadelphia is the worst show on television. I've seen five episodes Its really bad it's people being dicks to eachother.
S.J.WRap these days is fucking shit
TheHornyOrphanPeople who say "rap these days is fucking shit" probably listen to artists who are in the top 50 on iTunes.
Paedophile-PopeBeing a full-time "fitness athlete" is actually being lazy. Going to the gym is not a substitute for a job. The only reason people become "fitness athletes" are: 1) they can avoid doing a real job and 2) to fuel their ego/narcissism/self-righteousness.
dustygoldflakesCorrect. Have you played project M?
BethuneI have but I prefer melee
Brocka_FlockaBreast Cancer Awareness Month is stupid. It's just a marketing ploy.