I don't understand how that is supposed to be "25" of the top 197 majors lol. Look at the categories, they have subjects such as engineering, fine arts, just clumped together. Like those aren't majors, christ they have the entire engineering discipline clumped together...
Blondie, dude wtf are you talking about? Like every single example you just listed was from journalism, when the fuck did I ever say journalism was worthless? It has the lowest unemployment rate on that list. Like every single fucking occupation you just listed was a major that I would consider as useful, so please stop putting words in my mouth. And please don't compare a basic 4- year undergrad psychology degree to a psychiatrist who has an MD who actually would treat mental illnesses, jesus man seriously? My high horse? Yea sorry I want people to go to college and not be drowned in debt that they can't repay when they are done, I am such a douchebag for wanting that!
For the record there isn't a lot of majors that I consider worthless, most college majors are actual useful, so the list is quite small. However, the reason why it is such a big deal is because this small list of useless majors seems to have a high population of students enrolled in them which makes it an actual problem.