Ok, a few things.
I'm not sure you have even been on FKSs. There simply isn't a more durable binding that exists for skiing. That's true.
Don't bother buying the Axials. The pivots have a better, safer heelpiece and have stronger metal pieces in places the axials rely on plastic. The pivot is a stronger binding than the axials. I wish all of the axials I bought a few years ago were the new pivots instead. I've broken so many tracks and heelpieces on axials before the pivot/fks was re-released.
You probably don't need a 18 DIN binding. Unless you're gigantic/obese or absolutely murking shit and hitting absolutely gigantic tables. But, if you're doing the latter, you probably wouldn't be posting on an online forum for binding advice. A binding at 12 or 14 will probably suit you fine. I have broken tons of skis and binding pieces, but have never had a serious knee injury in 10 years of park skiing. I'm 150 lbs and hit sizeable cliffs and tables and really have no need to have my DINs over 10 or 11.
I'm moving this to gear talk.