yeah, so someone was in a car accident and was bleeding internally and barges into your home seeking help, what do you do, shoot them?
guns are for fucking retards who need to hide behind an easy killing machine. there are too many other, more appropriate deterrents for crime, methods of keeping yourself safe. you dont need a fucking gun.
and the american mindset that people are OUT TO GET YOU!! is fucking cowardly and pathetic. i feel pretty safe myself. if someone really wants to kill me, im sure they could, regardless of whether or not i have a gun for "protection". and if some idiot crackhead busts into my home looking to do god knows what, i feel pretty safe knowing the other tools i have and that im not an idiot and can do something about it. i dont need a gun. nobody needs a gun. you want one because you're a fucking pussy. and because youre the US is a nation of pussies, they need their guns, and innocent children have to die so the fucking pussies can keep on hunting and sleeping with their guns under their pillows because they're afraid bad guys want to hurt them.
what a joke.