i think yup...
80% of all gun related deaths in the US are caused by felons, career criminals, or gang members. we have 1.4 million gang members in the US, 30,000+ gangs. the population of gangs and gang members is raising at a crazy rate, especially in the form of illegals from Mexico, who belong to some of the most brutal gangs in the nation.
and for all the "why do you need a gun for defence?" people, there are about 600 justifiable defense shootings per year.
we have around 12,000 murders by firearm each year, 80% of that being from gang personel/felons. i think its around 14,000 gang related deaths per year.... when you look into the concentrated areas, not just by state, it just so happens that they are gang heavy areas, usually the big cities, and concentrated in certain, shitt parts of that city.
How many of these felons, career criminals, and gang members do you think acquire their gun by walking into a gun store, filling out a background check, waiting for it to be cleared, then walking out with a traceable firearm? when you are a gang member/criminal it is not the least bit hard to get a black market gun, even for a normal law abiding citizen its not hard. its seriously like buying weed, just more sketchy.
when you look at the random non felon/criminal/gang related gun homocide rate, we are not that bad.
now, look at the countries that have as bad or worse firearm related death rates. Mexico, South Africa, lots of South American countries. and one thing they all have in common is strict gun laws, notorious gang and crime problem's, and many have violent drug trade problems. its the same here.
its not the redneck out in his backyard shooting cans of corn that make up our high rate, its the organized crime. but for some reason, we blame it on our gun "culture". maybe we dont want to acknowledge our huge problem with shitty inner cities and illegal's but its the cause of a vast majority of our gun related deaths. not the fact that billy bob can go into his corner store in small town #2 Nebraska and pick up an AR in 30 minutes...
any time you look into the actual statistics and causes, not extremely oversimplified BS that the pro gun control people spew out. it does not give any backing to the argument that we need strict gun control to prevent gun crime. and when you look at the cities with the strictest gun laws in the US, as someone pointed out earlier, Chicago, also DC, etc.. they happen to have the highest gun related death rates in the country. how does that in any way show that we need to up the gun control?
as for the random school shootings, im not completely sure, we have fucked up kids. in my probably offensive opinion, its that kids have NO sense of self responsibility, respect, etc.. a kid gets bullied, an adult steps in and the bullying defense squadron is called in and locks down the school to prevent any bullying outbreak from occuring again. when i was a kid, not even that long ago, if you got bullied you either sucked it up or kicked the bullys ass. I was bullied by these 4 kids for like 3 years straight in grade school, took me all that time to finally man up, but i fought back and they stopped fucking with me. made me a better person, i learned how to not take shit from people and stand up for myself. now these kids are sheltered and defended until their teens and when they get a little sense of freedom they cant take any abuse thats thrown at them and they snap. remember how fucked up your emotions and everything are when your a teenager? yeah, being a complete vag and a emotionally fucked teen capable of violence dont mix well.
the other part is the shitty conditions inner city kids grow up in, I grew up in a big city, knew a lot of these kids, and most of them are growing up with a single parent, usually mooching off welfare, violence and crime is everywhere. nobody has any hint of work ethic. its no wonder they grow up to join gangs or become criminals.
over 50% of kids under 18 in 2000 had a job, now its down to like 25%
i might be wrong in how/why its happening, but i can guarantee its youths low self esteem, work ethic, fucked sense of self entitlement, sheltered childhood/teens, and lack of any responsibility that is causing it. kids have always had it, it just seems to have gone off the fucking charts in the last 5-10 years.
I mean shit, i read in the news a couple months ago about a girl who killed herself over a text message. apparently its not all that rare. something is seriously fucked when that starts happening.