So, knowing we have around 12,000 gun related homocides per year, 20 percent of that is 2400, so thats 2400 deaths out of 310 million people. im not sure what the statistics are for the 64 million registered gun owners, id assume they account for only a percentage of that 2400. im 100% fine with living with the risk that ill be one of those 2400 deaths if it means 310 million people have the right to bear arms. and how do we know if many of those 2400 deaths wouldnt happen? with another weapon, or with a now illegally acquired gun? there would surely be more criminal/gang member's killing citizens, knowing that civilians are now pretty much guaranteed to be unarmed.
id argue that taking away the tools that are being incorrectly used is only contributing to the cultural problem, its trying to regulate the responsibility out of us.
i would also argue that we have not collectively proven that we dont know how to use them, 64 million law abiding gun owners have proven that collectively we are pretty damn responsible with firearms. unfortunately we have whack jobs like this school shooting kid, who id hardly classify as your typical american gun owner (just a pissed off kid who stole his moms guns) that get all the attention and make the huge responsible majority of gun owners look bad.
speaking of proving we know how to use something responsibly, does the same not go for cars (yes i know the car analogy again, but i think its very relevant considering cars account for a huge amount of death and misuse) have we not collectively shown that we cant responsibly used cars more than we have with guns? everytime somebody drives drunk, they are knowingly endangering peoples lives, same goes for people who text, talk on the phone, drive reckless etc..
anyway, i think we should be able to own guns, drive cars, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, fly in planes, etc.. even though these things collectively have killed millions, id rather live in a world where im free to do as i please rather than be restricted up the butthole just for a perceived sense of safety... im also a huge believer in that the government needs to fear the people, and the people need to have power over the government, not the other way around. unfortunately its already the other way around, and i see no sense in making the problem worse. and implementing questionable gun laws would make that problem much much worse.
i can tell you've got your opinion on guns and it doesnt seem like anything will change that. but my main point is that guns in the hands of legal, registered gun owners are not the problem, and regulations are not the solution. banning guns or implementing stricter gun control is only an emotional response to create a false sense of safety and say we did something about it. and its probably a consideration because we dont know how to fix the actual problem.