god people are retarded.
drugs are illegal, but how do people manage to still smoke weed? every fucking kid that i went to college with smoked like daily, how did the law not prevent them from doing it? did prohibition stop alcohol? fuck no, it created criminals, brought on more violence. how the hell do you think banning guns would be any different? all its going to do is open up a very profitable business for gangs and criminals to bring weapons into the US, criminals and gangs will still have them, they will still be very much accessible, but now, the law abiding citizens have no power. the government, and the criminals have the guns, and they have the power, i fail to see how that seems like a good idea.
government/police and criminals need to fear the people, not the other way around.
people compare us to places like Canada and European countries the size of New York likes its in any way comparable. we have a HUGE gang and crime problem that places like Canada dont have. Cities like Chicago, LA, St. Louis, Detroit. with shit hole areas full of gangs and criminals, which is where all the gun crime comes from. the gangs dont exist because... 2nd Amendment. I grew up in a shitty part of Chicago, we had very strict gun laws there, yet, criminals still managed to get their hands on them. crime was still everywhere. now where im living, everyones got a gun, you're in the minority if you dont, you dont need to register a gun, i can walk down the street to my nearest gun shop with my rifle on my back and nobody cares. yet I cant remember one gun related crime, in fact i think its been like 15-20 years since one occured, and its not a small town. How can that be?
this ass hole would have still gone on a shooting spree regardless of how strict our gun laws are.