I need one, i use mine for target and hunting, it has a pistol style grip so now its a big scary "assult"rifle. its semi auto just like many hunting rifles, but it looks a little more scary and has some black stuff on it so now the media can call it an assult rifle so uneducated people will think im carrying around a full auto killing machine.
like i said in the other thread, Canada is a horrible comparison to the US, 80+% of our gun crime comes from gangs/career criminals/felons. leaving around 2000 deaths related to normal guy gets pissed off homicide. thats 2000 out of 310 million, really not a bad number for a bunch of gun loving rednecks.
you dont have 1.4 million gang members belonging to 30+ thousand gangs, you dont have violent drug trade like we do. we have more gang members than a lot of the gang/crime ridden south american countries combined. unfortunately Mexico and lots of areas in south america are a better comparison because like them, most of our gun deaths come from gangs/organized crime. and guess what? mexico and most of these south american countries have very overly strict gun control laws, yet a very high amount of gun related death.
chicago, california, DC have the strictest gun laws in the nation, yet have the highest numbers of gun death. (california is concentrated in certain areas full of guess what? gangs.) do you think these gangs/career criminals/felons are going into gun stores and legally buying traceable guns and filling out background checks? fuck no.
its not the people like me and billy bob in texas shootin cans in his back yard with "assult" rifle pure blood thirsty killing machines.