ah yes this thread already has it all.
american exceptionalism - stricter gun control works virtually every else, but no, we americans are different, we have a RIGHT to own weapons.
the guv, oooo nooo the fucking guv will become a dictatorship tomorrow. and i need my AR15 to rise up comrades, against the guv who has fucking nukes and aircraft carriers (DERP)
the old, what if a robber broke into my house? of course, he would courteously let you go find your gun like a true sir and an epic battle of good vs. evil would ensue, hollywood ending, everyone becomes a super hero with a gun in their hands.
the constitution, the mightiest scripture in the land lawd jesus christ himself may as well have written it oh praiiise jebus
you cant legislate bad shit away so why even try? amirite
lol @ those comparing gangbangers killing gangbangers to some wacko shooting up a fucking elementary school, big difference
these are the threads that show the immaturity of NS. 30+ innocent CHILDREN are murdered in cold blood and the immediate response is to defend the status quo of guns rights. get real. at least most of you reets cant vote, hopefully for your sake some people in the good ol USA (MURICA suck mah d) get serious about this problem.