the disposable ones suck. they taste like shit and didn't really do the trick for me. i picked up a "real one" pretty cheap on the web though, and it actually tastes like tobacco. I was a 17+ year smoker and was able to quit with an e-cig....if you really want to call it quitting since i still suck on this thing, but it can't be anywhere near as bad as inhaling burning plant matter.
check out this website:
i got a couple of the 4048 batteries ($10/ea) a charger ($10) and a pack of cartomizers ($8) and I dig it. It's good to have a couple of batteries so you're not stuck without while it recharges. I usually also pick up a few vials of oil to refill with as it's cheaper to do it that way than buying pre-filled cartomizers every time. a $10 bottle of oil will last me about a week or so....compared to $7/day for cigarettes.
yeah, the initial expense is a little more, but i save so much money with this thing. not to mention i don't smell like an ashtray...nor does my mouth taste like one any more.
no regrets at all.