What we need to do is get rid of parties. No more democrats, no more rebublicans. Everyone can then think for themselves and would feel no pressure to vote a certain way even though that person is a complete jackass. Think about it: Lots of older people were raised in a family which the father had the final say, even in voting. My grandmother was raised repubican, has voted rebublican in every election, and will vote for the assbag in this election as well. The thing is, if you talk to her for five minutes it's obvious that she is more democrat. She doesnt think about it when she votes. It's like a reflex to vote republican.
Doing away with the parties would force people to think for themself. It should not matter whether they are democrat, republican, green, whatever. People should vote for the candidate they feel is better suited to run our country for four years, instead of mindlessly voting for the most trigger happy, redneck idealistic fuck ever born.
Oh... I thought you meant real anti-freeze, I was like 'Jesus man, you must be a drinking god to still be alive.' -skierman
'You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on.'
'I don't like people who take drugs... Customs men for example.'