i'm one of those lamoids that doesn't know to much about american politics but has seen farenheit 9-11 and heard a lot of people speel their discust about bush and watched people complain about iraq and seen anti-bush demonstrations all over the world and I have taken a more leftist view of this whole election thing and i do hope that kerry wins...but now i say why? why do so many americains support bush? i realize that i don't know much of anything and my opinion has been formed by other people and i really want to understand why bush would be a better pres then kerry. I'm not a super supporter of kerry so i wont be able to defend this position at all...ya i'm lame...but just tell me why you will support bush...and i'm not saying he will win but just in case...oh and i still have a bit of an opinion and i wont just belive what people here tell me