1. I dont understand how Im being an asshole. I was looking for some tips from people with similar interests, and got shit on in return.
2. I dont know about what the transit system is in Colorado, but in Wisconsin, and the rest of America, we have cars. Since Im driving 14 hrs from WI, 2 extra isnt a big deal. Maybe I should have asked for information in west Central CO? When referencing the resorts such as Breck, Stone ect what is a proper label, fi not Denver area.
3. Is your meter broken? I understand that sarcasm is a difficult thing to express over the internet, but why would you think that I actually thought there were ski hills in Denver? Trevor is from WI, so am I....I just doing get why people cant either give me a hand, or be civil about it.
4. Refer to 1
5. Just take a breath. No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to read this. A lot of the threads on this site are solved with google, but if everyone googled everything, there would be no point to this community forum based site.
All Im looking for is someone nice enough to extend the olive branch, give me something that I might not obviously come across. Maybe someone has a connection. If a Colorado person came to Milwaukee, I would be thrilled to help them out.