There is a lot of talk about a lot of product out there these days. Skiing has evolved soooooo much in the past 5 yrs, give or take a few, its unreal to see all the crazy stuff companies are coming out with. I've also noticed there are a handful of people these days who genuinely believe in the product they are skiing on. There is so much hype on so much stuff, it seems nearly impossible to sort through it all.
I have been amazingly blessed to have been working at a small, locally owned for 37 years ski shop that has allowed me to ride an immense amount of product throughout the years at little to no cost to me. I feel each year that I get to try something different or new, it has helped the progression of my personal skiing. Sometimes in small ways, and sometimes in a much more substantial way. Maybe its just me, maybe its just I'm getting better as the years go on. But I personally feel that the products I'm riding are helping me take my skiing to the next level.
So what do you think? Has the gear you ride helped you become a better skier? If so, how? I would love to hear your stories of progression in your own ski-life. I love talking about how someone made something that bettered us as riders. Call me a gear-junkie, but I love it. So let's hear your stories!
Please no hate here, I'll try and keep my passionate dislike for full tilt to a minimum ;-)