not really. if you truly beleve in the liberal or conservative mindset it is not that stupid at all. If that is what makes sense to you. I mean, i cant think of a time where i would vote conservative, but i suppose that there is a possibility that i would if I find the liberal canadate is ridicously incompetent. I have yet to see many candates from either side that i beleve to be ridicously incompetent. Ya sure some may not be so great but that is different then being ridicously incompetent. for the record, however, Bush is ridicously incompetent. Quite honestly, i think that Kerry will not be mich better, however, he will be better. If it was my choice, Nader would be president.
Democrats are sexy: since when have you seen a good looking peice of elephant?
they attacked us'' - Rudolph Giuliani former republican mayor of NYC
referring to Iraq in an interview on NBC news after the presidential debate