1. I was real stoned and my town has two stoplights that are really close together. The 1st one was red and the 2nd one was green and was just turning yellow. So I floored it to make the light and ran the 1st light that was red. Luckily there was no one going through the intersection at the time, my friend saw it and called me like dude wtf are you doing?!?!? I didn't get a red light ticket either since there wasn't a camera hahaha good times
2. A street in my neighborhood is around a 1 mile straightaway, the speed limit is 35 the whole way. I usually speed pretty fast on it usually around 60ish, even my mom does 50-55 haha. Sometimes I just floor it because it is way too tempting. Theres not many places for cars to pull out in front of you, and I had never really worried about it before. It was late at night and I was going around 110mph when a car ran a stop sign and pulled out in front of me. I swerved into oncoming traffic to pass em since there was no one coming but it was a pretty close call. It wasn't really a big deal since I pass people across the double yellow a lot on that road but it was pretty scared to think I could have rear ended someone doing 110.
3. Got a ticket for doing 76 in a 30 , once again couldn't resist flooring it on a big ass straightaway
4. Driving down to snow flex, we maxed out my friends sketchy ass truck doing like 95-100 haha. The speedometer ended at 80 but we were still accelerating for awhile past that