Burton aK 2L Gore-Tex jacket, Mens Large. Don't know the model but this is an awesome jacket. Pretty burly material and has an asymmetric zipper. Only problem is it's white. I've washed it a few times with tech wash and this is about as clean as it can be. Still a bit dingy. Best thing about the aK stuff is it comes with a lifetime warranty. $100 + Shipping.

Volcom Gore-Tex Crack jacket, Mens Large. Awesome jacket but a bit big for me. It's on the pink side of purple. Chicks dig pink/purple on a dude. $90 + shipping.

Armada windbreaker. Mens Large. Thin white nylon that allows the Armada logos in the liner to show through. Pretty cool. $30 + shipping.

Cross Insulated Jacket, Mens Large. Purple argyle. Another nice jacket but fits small for a large. I'm 5'9, 175lbs, chiseled out of granite and its smaller than I'd like. $50 + shipping.

Cross Lightly Insulated Pants, Mens Large. White with dark gray, bright green and purple. I dig these pants. Been trying to find a jacket to wear with these and not having much luck. Maybe you do. In excellent shape, not much sign of wear. $75 + shipping.

Foursquare 15k/15k jacket, Mens Medium (big for a medium). White, brown and green stripes. Pretty nice jacket. Does show some dirt here and there since it's white. $40 + shipping.

Foursquare 15k/15k jacket, Mens Small (snowboarder fit). Brown and green. Does show some dirt here and there. Missing a couple of the front snaps for the hood. $25 + shipping.

Cross Womens Jacket and Pants, Womens Medium. This is nice stuff but since it's pale yellow it got a bit dingy. They're lightly insulated and have lots of pockets and features. $60 + shipping for the pair.