thanks man glad you're stoked!
I am neither a religious or a non religious person and i feel that myself and other people are on their way to enlightenment of the true nature of our existence and the access of this higher knowledge is even more meaningful than any religion on earth. I see religions as trying to find ways for falsely explaining our existence through many twisted and changed sorties over time, accurate representations of the root of why we are all here, and the good things that we should do while on our time here on earth, is very nicely described by religions, you can choose to follow any of these rules and become a better more aware person by any means, and that is a good thing.
Until you, the person, the one you realize is your own set and setting, then you can come to realize is the purpose is to find the meanings for yourself. To analyze and solve the mysteries of what it means to be human. By no means am I enlightened by the age of only 19, i've realized there is too much knowledge ill never know, and to accept that is part of the realizations. The spiritual breakthroughs that i have had, hold true that in my time on this earth I might figure some out of what this existence really means, as it feels like a significant achievement as a human to try to ponder the true existence of ourselves.
You have to determine what is right about the universe and what is wrong about the universe from your own perpective, in any circumstance. Be mindful and realize the brains true potential. I have thought out my basic beliefs on the existence of the universe, and us as humans.
My conclusion is that we are one very, very vast superorganism experiencing itself while imagining itself in just this universe (this universe containing all the dimensions also be mindful) expressing us and everything we see in our world (3d perpective experiencing 4d only of course). God is sometimes described as everything around us, and this follows my theory, as the universe itself is the misinterpretation of ourselves, as the universe being one superorganism, it makes only sense that it has 'figured out' life after 13 billion years. Now the question of the 'figured out' part, which i believe is the universe's understanding, and creation of life because of its thirst for knowledge, so when every organisms experiences becomes collective, from the perpective of the universe, that the knowledge the universe contains, it acquired itself through the purposeful creation of life. So in essence i believe we created ourselves by we meaning everything and ourselves meaning everything. (super hard concepts sorry guys)
If you have ever learned about multiverse theory, this goes to show that if you describe the multiverse theory that the community of multiverses can be described as, every single possibility occurring, being imagined by the universes and the multiverse themselves, yielding them to contain all the possible knowledge that they have been searching for, just like us, why we are here (assuming that the superorganisms dont know though some may and probably do.)
Thanks for reading if you did feel free to pm me!
Getting stoked on everything you do is a way to stay happy and positive, so try your best and learn what you can!