"Howdy everybody! As some of you may or may not know, I'm transgender ftm. I'm hoping to have top surgery in May, but I can't handle it alone financially. I find myself needing help.
Many of you have already supported me in my transition, and I know this is a lot to ask. But this surgery is incredibly meaningful and important to me both mentally and physically. I've started a chipin account for anyone who is interested in donating or learning more about it. I know not everyone can afford to help, but if you could like or share this, that would be awesome too!
I'll probably be posting about this a lot in the coming weeks and months, so I appreciate your patience :] You can facebook me with any questions you might have!
Thanks everyone xDonnie"
i went to high school with this kid and just saw this pop up on my newsfeed and i thought it might interest some people.