As you guys know, i drink alot (see my posts) and im only 15. Im a pothead and a regular drinker. Well, last night i was really shitfaced and decided to sneak out and ride my bike to my friends house across town. about 3/4 of the way there, i was hit by a car. its a miracle i wasnt hurt. I dont remember getting hit or being in the ambulence, but only waking up in the amublence for a few minutes then balcking out and waking up in ER. The only injuries i got where a fucked up face and a concussion. Ive never been to the hospital for any injuries ever before in my life, and it was a very scary experience. I had cat scans done, xrays, blood tests etc. I really do thank god for watching over me and not getting hurt. Which is unusual, because before last night i never believed in god. DSS now has to come to my house to watch my enviroment etc. My parents were not mad, which is the worst thing , because all they could do was cry. I have never ever seen my father cry before until last night. I should have listened to all of you, when you told me i was an idiot, dumbass faggot for drinking, and all of you were right. I officially give up all drugs in any way shape or form. My parents threw out all of their alcohol and im going to try to turn my life around. Im gonna get a job, new friends, the whole deal. You guys can flame this post all you want, just know that i am sorry for being and idiot and i think all of you should take my advice and dont drink until your of age, or at least 18. If you wanna know more message me, i have pictures of all the scrapes etc. thank you all and i appologize for being an ass and not listening to you. This was offically the scariest moment of my life and i am so lucky to be alive.
i wish you were here