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1 entry found for metrosexual.
Main Entry: metrosexual
Function: noun
Definition: a young, urban and usually heterosexual male who is concerned with fashion, food and grooming
Etymology: Coined by Mark Simpson in 1994 article for The Independent
Source: Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English, © 2003 Lexico Publishing Group, LLC
its a real word now? thats not right.
You know the Nazis had pieces of flair that they made the Jews wear.
once back when i was a fetus i was aborted. it didn't hurt at all, but i was also high on life at the time. - thisangelicrage
its not rape....its surprise sex. you wake up and SURPRISE you had sex with me haha - huckster989
liberals think killing babies can be both fun and profitable, while conservatives think killing foreigners can be both fun and profitable - ice-is-scary
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