because if someone wants to kill themselves they must be suffering. it is selfish to want someone to suffer so you don't have to.
that being said, i don't think either side of the argument is wrong. obviously it is selfish to kill yourself because, yeah, you are hurting others to help yourself. it is also selfish to want someone to stay alive and suffer so you don't have to. i hope we can all agree on both of these.
i think, in an ideal world, the attitude of loved ones of someone who commits suicide wouldn't be to get pissed off and angry at them for doing it, but to understand that the person was not well and they made what they thought was the best decision for them and are in a better place for it. in an ideal world, of course. I think the problem is that mental illness and suicide has become such a taboo subject in our culture as to dissuade people who have those problems from talking about them and seeking help for fear of getting responses like many of the ones we see in this thread, like being called a "pussy" or being told to "suck it up and be happy because you live in america and you could be starving to death in africa you stupid asshole," which not only make a person feel worse but could maybe even convince them that they are just being pussy and really do just need to suck it up and that their problems are just trivial and not really real.
we shouldn't be arguing if it is selfish or not selfish, because obviously everyone has their own opinion on that and, really, it isn't especially important. what we should focus on is not automatically condemning anyone who feels this way (which, californiagrown, i don't think you were doing) for feeling this way, and instead trying to understand and then help them in anyway we can.