You've got two issues here:
1) I miss having featured articles written well and professionally by the guys at NS or people in the industry that you guys trusted to write good articles, like Pippin Lee etc..."
2) Only thing I have noticed is that news rarely pops up there anymore.
See.... the reason we did this is that there is a cause/effect situation going on here. Our news had lost an immense amount of readership over the last 2-3 years. The numbers were staggering... news was just simply collapsing in terms of anyone truly giving a shit.
So really in response to point #2 - I think the main problem is now we're actually seeing what percentage of articles anyone gives a flying rats dick about pop up. Most of the time, the video, photo or conversation content is actually what is the good stuff on the site. We've seen a few articles fly right to the top, and those have definitely been what people cared about.
As for point #1 - well the idea here is not to stop that, its actually to really, really, really drastically increase that. For starters, now there is news from every skiing website on the internet mixed in. So we've given the ability to actually find MORE 'people in the industry' writing good stuff.
Next, we have no plans to decrease the amount of amazing news written for the site, in fact we are aiming to drastically increase it. The only difference now is that an editor doesn't choose who writes it, nor does an editor choose what shows at the top.
What I suggest is that if you really care about the news and miss quality journalism - join the Journalist Network cult. We're seeking to build the next wave of pro ski journalists, and we will need curators and editors just as much as we need writers. Join up, and together we can form a new future of ski news on the internet.