Skiing feels good. Greasing a smooth ass rail, carving some corduroy, w/e, its all bomb....
but it doesnt compare to the feeling after skiing.
-Taking your boots off after shredding like 6 hrs....and just like, cracking you ankles...
-Slamming some McDonalds McDoubles and McDonalds Coke after on the drive home. Seriously, over and over again, McDonalds after a long day of skiing is the best meal I have ever ate. (ps. someone agree with me that McDons has THE BEST coca cola. I dunno what it is, but it just tastes sooo dang good)
-Taking off your wet ass socks, wringing out the blood, and moving your toes around. Its all gravvvyyyyy.
So tell me what you think. In your opinion, whats the best feeling after skiing? Or just post a bunch of memes and gif things and hate, cause thats pretty funny too.