i am not 100 percent on this, but the livestrong bracelets are made by nike for lance armstrong right? well doesnt the fact that nike make them kind of completly destroy the whole 'livestrong' part? i can garentee that they are made in a sweatshop rubber factory in india, paying them next to nothing. Doesnt that seem a little contradictory?
in science class i sat down to fast and you know how you can sit on your balls. well i did and i sat down really fast and crushed them and right when i sat down i started puking and fell out of my chair. they teacher laughed. i felt like i could pass out i wanted to die.-*NWFT*nUkkA
I still just have no idea how you can mistake your dick and a chicken neck, let alone not realize what you are doing. -manus
I drink pepto bismal like its water.. -PJO