says your sister's pothead boyfriend? actually pretty arguable.
although you will have a higher GPA coming out of uhart if you are reasonably smart, you will not have a comparable education to the other connecticut private colleges. uconn (although not private) easily takes fat, fat dumps on it - as does wesleyan, connecticut college, trinity, etc.
i'd say the only comparable college to uhart would be wcsu (surprisingly a private school). i took a kaplan course in the afternoons at uhart this past winter and the campus is overall bummy. nothing is really new, just older brick bummage. it's a smaller, boring campus. the student union is a dumpstation. although it is located in a nice, richer section of hartford, you're literally one bridge away from the shittiest part of hartford. ALBANY AVE SON REPRESENT
what it comes down to: if you go to hartford, you're literally paying out your ass for a mediocre experience, and an even worse education. way better off going to uconn. check the facts.