No worries. Yeah basically I do not have any solutions for this particular situation, mostly I have a problem with people saying that it's this persons fault completely, and fuck them, and blaming them, and describing reasons why it could not happen to themselves. I see the problem as being with the environments and support systems, and those are the things that need to be blamed and changed for solutions to be found. Humans can only have so much will, and everyone's will is different. Just because you can over come a situation that you are exposed to over no control of your own does not mean that another person feels the same, and has that same ability, so people need to be careful and considerate when projecting their lived experience onto others. If someone sees ads all day that tell them to eat this or that food, or find this kind of food the most convenient and if they are blamed, or rely on food for this or that support, then they can't get out of this cycle. As well the problem could be one of body function, metabolism etc. My examples of suicide and mental illness just attempt to show that these things that we generally don't blame people for are a product of environments as well, that are out of that persons control in a large way. Genetic disorders is taking it over the top for sure, just an extrapolation of the environment example.
I would much rather hear people saying 'fuck the society that doesn't support this person who needs help and the systems of capitalism and consumerism that create these problems'