the health insurance thing isnt only for part time. they advise their full time employees to pursue government health care like medicaid or state specific government health care rather than have to provide something that they should for full time employees.
you can say that you would love to be making 10$ an hour in high school, but not everyone that works at wal-mart is in high school. sure, its a stupid place to try and make a career or try and raise a family on their wages, but people do it and those are the ones that are having the biggest issues. also, 10$ is the average, and that means that there are so many people trying to make a living for under $10 an hour. with no benefits, terrible health care, and from what i read about this strike being forced to come in on thanksgiving
i doubt this is trueanymore but wal-mart also used to be completely anti-union and would fire employees if they spoke out or voted for a union.
anything i say could be completely wrong, most of my information comes from the book i had to read on wal-mart for class this week.