Most people ive found that play guitar don't know barre chords...
It will come with time man. If you want to make sure you have the transition down, play D to G back and forth as it requires you to move your fingers a long ways. Also just a tip from me. Practice playing open G with your 2nd 3rd and 4th fingers instead of usiing your 1st 2nd and 3rd. It will help on making the transition to an open C MUCH easier.
And to those of you wondering the note on the B string. Thats just the 5th of the G chord being played a 2nd time. If you play an open B, that is the major 3rd which is also a repeat. So either way works but the one where you play the 5th is called Folk G typically.
Btw my favorite chord is an Emin9 chord played using 4 open strings and the 5th and 9th played on the A and D strings. Listen to riviera paradise if you wanna hear it in full force. Strum upwards by the bridge and it will make girls throw up orgasms all over the place.