I have:
179 Surface One Lifes BNIP $275obo local pick up/drop off
186 Bibby Pros One 1.5 mounts for FKS (I am taking a guess at 305) $180 local pickup/drop off
191 ON3P Wrenegades with L Dukes on the line for 337 BSL. So your midsole will chang very slightly if you adjust the heel. Only mount $500obo
179 Obsethed with or without STH16s. One mount for tele binding and these (smaller boot again) you have room on the heel track to move and there is plenty of room to drill another heel or toe and keep an existing set because the tele mount is goofy and not really in the way. $325 with bindings, $180 without.
Can get pictures if I get any local interest or you can check them out yourself