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Are my bindings really so bad?
Posts: 57
Karma: 21
So i bought peak 11 bindings some time ago and now finally when we got some snow here I got to test them. So first time i fell and double ejected the brake of the right binding bended that it was dragging the ground and i bended it back on its real place and then I fell again my left binding had the same thing happening and it wasn't even a hard fall. So are those peak 11's really that bad or is it just some kind of a construction mistake? (sorry for my bad english but hope u understand)
Posts: 1405
Karma: 2,218
What's you're din set at? And are these switch landings? if so, you are probably landing with most of you're weight on yore toes (leaning forwards) causing the brakes to catch in the snow and bending them
Posts: 57
Karma: 21
umm its set at 5 even though Im pretty sure it should be higher but they set it on 5 in the shop where they mounted them. And yeah they were switch landings, but I took lots of switch falls on my last bindings (Salomon something can't remember anymore) and didn't have thet issue.
Posts: 128
Karma: 139
My Peak 11s that I used to use were amazing. I can only talk from my experience.
Posts: 1405
Karma: 2,218
Well move the di's up to 7 or 8 and try not to land nose heavy, you can also over bend them up to that thy are less likely to catch. Also how wide are the brakes/skis
Posts: 57
Karma: 21
Yeah thanks! And the skis are 86mm and the brakes are 90mm
Posts: 1852
Karma: 48
Please don't jack them up to a 7 or an 8 that abruptly. Go up a half a din until you stop having problems. Your knees will thank you for doing this
Posts: 4178
Karma: 3,024
Before you do ANYTHING to the din, go to the shop and have them check the forward pressure. A forward pressure that's set incorrectly is much more likely to make you prerelease unnecessarily than a din set a couple clicks too low.
Posts: 881
Karma: 161
I've got to get new brakes for my peak 15s. Skis are 85 with a 97 brake I believe.
Posts: 8385
Karma: 2,060
Posts: 2661
Karma: 3,181
Any time you get new bindings are take your skis go a shop to get them tuned ALWAYS ask about the bindings, any problems, any preventive maintence suggestions, etc. This way they are obligated to tell you anything wrong with them. Most good shops will do this without you asking though.
Posts: 87
Karma: 73
Go to the shop that mounted them. They might have set your din too low, but don't just crank it up without making sure the forward pressure is right. I have the peak 11s as well, and I was prereleasing too until the shop correctly adjusted the forward pressure and dins (yes, they messed them both up). If you take your skis back to the shop and tell them what happened, I'm sure they'll try to fix whatever's wrong - you're definitely not prereleasing because of "bad bindings".
Idk about the break bending though, mine bent too on a hard switch fall, but I just bent them back and they were fine...
Posts: 14540
Karma: 11,112
Please don't give people advice.
DO NOT crank your dins, especially by 2 or 3. Adjust very slightly, and only if you know what you are doing.
Landing nose heavy has nothing to do with bending brakes. You can pop out an way landing switch, not just landing nose heavy. Shitty brakes will bend no matter what, just bend them back and you'll be fine.
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