So as some of you might know, I said (when the yanks were up 3-0 mind you) that if the Sox's win the series I'll leave Well low and behold the Sox won. Proof that some power greater than anything we can comprehend wants me to leave So you can thank me later if you like for the sox winning.
Many of you probably hate me and some of you probably hate me less. Which leads me to my next point. Theres a great majority of you who get your panties bunched up over an internet forum or other peoples opinions in general. If you would prefer to live past 40 you should all take a very deep breath, relax and repeat. When all is said and done, you and everyone you've ever met will be dead. Therefore you will be forever forgotten just like all the other inconsequential people you've never heard of. The only thing that matters in life is the moment your living in all else is just dust in the wind. Many of you are on the path to a miserable life. I used to be mad at everything and worry about society and hate ignorant people. Then I realised I was wasting my life being pissed off all the time.
So sorry for this sappy shit but if you are getting pissed at someone over the internet, they have truley won. Ski season has started for me and it's time for me to move on. After midnight tonight I won't post anymore. (I'll hop on to message people n shit on occasion)
-good luck and good riddance
We pay our debt sometimes.