Wow, too much to respond to really.
A few points while I should be studying :)
To play the scientific game you need to understand the rules.
You can’t prove a negative, which means that it is not up to science to disprove religion (you can‘t prove something doesn‘t exist) but it is up to religion to prove itself on scientific grounds.
But this has been known to be impossible for centuries.
Trying to give a religion a logical base is just plain wrong. It can not stand up to logical scrutiny. Believing in religion is fine, but you have to accept that it is a faith, and not try and give logical or rational grounds, because they simply do not exist. No religion, be it Christianity, Hinduism, Buhhism or Zoroastrianism can stand up to scientific scrutiny.
David Hume showed this nigh on 200 years ago. I would recommend his essay ‘Of Miracles’ if anyone is interested. This shows what a good scientific refutation should look like. You do not take the weakest examples of contrary argument, but the strongest, and you refute them on rational grounds.
To quote a famous passage in the conclusion: ‘Our most holy religion is founded on Faith, not on reason; and it is a sure method of exposing it to put it to such as trial as it is, by no means fitted to endure.’
“Scientific-creationism� is a misnomer; for believers it lacks falsifiability and is therefore not scientific; for scientists it is falsifiable, and has been proven false, and therefore is not science.
Evolution is a theory. But it is also a fact. Don’t confuse “natural selection� Darwin’s proposed! method! for evolution, with evolution itself. The debate in evolution is how it happened, not whether it exists. This is something creationists struggle with and regularly misrepresent.
Science is fallible, religion (fundamental anyway) is not. To the uninitiated that might suggest science is weaker, but this is by no means the case, science’s fallibility is perhaps its greatest strength.
What puzzles me, is that people who subscribe to different religions tend to simply presume the others wrong. This always seems to be an awfully big claim to make. I’m kind of interested in that, what is the creationists take on people of other religions? Hindu’s believe in many gods (polytheistic), and there are close to a billion hindus. Are they all wrong/sinners/stupid?
It honestly is not my intention here to offend or hurt anyone’s religious beliefs though I suspect I do will as a matter of course. But put simply, if you present pseudo-science as science you’re going to get rumbled.
Belief in religion is fine! But you have to accept it is a faith!!