Alright everyone- you have 48 hours from this point (5:30 PM Eastern, 4:30 Central, 3:30 Mountain, 2:30 Pacific) to post your videos! I will make matchups of 3 ONLY for the first round- and this will be the only round where you only have to do one trick. Good luck!
Gudelo vs. Flufyduky vs. (Down-Flat-Down Rail)
Coopertrooper vs. Aithline vs. WUshit (720)
Mattie vs. Cotter vs. Connorfitz (Canon box)
F-O vs. Drail vs. Kool_aid (540)
Forcillo vs. Townley vs. Padsy (Handrail over the stairs)
AGANS vs. Eirikdl vs. Cebra (900)
Mar-O vs. Doni3l vs. Beachball (Up-Flat Rail to the left)
Daly-207 vs. Sammyk vs. Tikayt (Up-Flat-Down Rail)
Mtougas vs. Lloydchristmas vs. Bretbutler (Rainbow Rail)
S.Shield vs. ChipSkylark vs. Frediboy94 (1080)
Linked vs. Bigsteezey vs. B.D.C (Down box over the stairs)
TastyZ vs. Freddy.allport vs. MitchDanger (Down-Flat-Down Box)
Ralf vs. 3sherm vs. Tree60 (Flat box over stairs)
Jiaco vs. BeefiestExpert vs. Nzskier128 (1260)
KingKillah vs. Scarsimd vs. Funkmaster (Tube Rail)
PeteMez vs. SteezyDoesIt vs. Freeski1012 (Yellow Down-Flat Box)
Shredding_panda vs. Fsvp vs. Mwhite (Single Pipe hit)
OG_SKIER vs. Lil_Flip vs. NubCake (Down-Flat Box to the left of reset)
Elmo vs. Mattsaff vs. That_One_kid (360)
Beam_er vs. DeewCrew (Quad-Kink Rail)
Post your videos on your respective threads along with any questions. Good luck! The voting can commence once all videos have been posted.