I am an economic conservative because i believe in the free market, and personal responsibility. There is no reason for a program such as social security. People need to save their money for their retirement themselves. You don't deserve retirement, you earn it. Gov. programs such as this simply put our country into debt. Each year social security adds about 90 billion to our national debt.
I am not conservative for any social reasons. I believe that government should be involved much less in the market place, and not at all in our social lives. While i do personally believe that abortion is wrong, it is never the governments responsibility to tell someone their own morals. Therefore they shouldn't be involved.
These views align more with libertarianism than republicanism, but libertarian views on foreign policy are a little sketchy.
As well, both my parents are conservative so it's pretty natural that I end up being conservative as well. No Liberal has ever been able to explain to me how they expect to run the economy successfully. Iv'e looked it up, and I just don't get it.