This one comes with a random little story. It started out at dinner time with me being a little depressed of still living in Missouri after not leaving the same tiny town since mid-August. I told my friend I wish I could drive all night (or at least a few hours) one direction, and just be there for a while. Five minutes later at 6:30, I got a text from this French exchange student I've been dating asking if I wanted to drive three of her French girl friends to go see Obama in Des Moines, Iowa at ten. It's a three hour drive, but it was fate, so we all hopped in as soon as we got directions.
We heard that Bruce Springsteen was going to be there, but figured we missed him considering the gates opened at 7, three hours before the man of the hour. After driving through the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE for three hours, we made it to downtown Des Moines ten until ten. The clear side of the metal detectors spat us out in a sea of Mainstreeted Obama supporters. From there we started wriggling our way through the masses to get a better view. We got a lot of shit from people who "got there hours ago to stand in [their] fair spot." We just laughed and chanted, "Forward!" When we came to a standstill, we looked over at the sidewalk to see people making solid progress toward the stage. Naturally, we wriggled our way over to hop the railing blocking the sidewalk. Some were standing still, some were moving forward, and surprisingly some were retreating. We soon saw that everybody who was standing still had a ticket, and must have paid to get where they were. The people going back were ticketless and were told to go back by security volunteers at the front of the section.
When we got to the front of "business class" we just waited a few minutes until some heads were turned and casually went on by. a volunteer asked to see our lanyards.
We walked maybe another 15 yards until we reached the section right in front of the stage. A security guard asked to see our lanyards. Paloma just said in a half-faked helpless voice, "We're from France."
"Oh, you must be with them," she said as she pointed to a Russian couple in front of us. "Go ahead." A minute after we settled in to our awesome spots, the Boss took the stage. He was actually pretty good and didn't sing Born in the USA. Thank goodness. Not long, Obama came out and my eyes ravished his beautiful black face.
I'm too the right of brown baldy (right of afro dude). A French blonde is just too my left.

...and just to the right of Michelle's waistline making a goofy face.