Well they better have a different system than the current one for med weed, because in a dispensary you pay $10/g all the way up. Doesn't matter if you get 1 g or 30 gs its still $10/g. Now I'm not a dealer, but I still like to save money on weed, and usually buy in either 2 ounce or quarter pound increments and split it with a few buddies. And yes companies will find ways to produce better bud for cheaper, but in the end is some large scale commercially grown bud always going to be up to par with that small batch that someone put all their time and love into? It can be done but I feel like the very high end stuff is going to come at a price, when I said $10/g at a dispensary, thats the standard price, I've even seen $14/g in one. Plus they are always going to be paying for taxes, store costs, employee wages etc. Where as selling illegally essentially takes no money to do other than growing costs.
If I was down in the states i would be fully agreeing with you, that would probably make things alot better for you guys. Here in Canada however, in terms of effect on the daily smokers(not talking about drug dealers) I dont see how legalization would really benefit us. Things are just kind of good as is I guess. So maybe I have selfish views on this subject because yes alot of the money does go to organized crime, and kids probably have easy access to it, but i just don't see things improving for me personally if things were to change.