There's a couple guys on here that live in the JH area... I used to. It's not all that bad, I think I ran into more of the tightwad rich motherfuckers in that town than most people did cause I played hockey there too. The mountain, is awsome, sometimes the conditions are hit and miss. Like, well, it could be cold and windy as hell at the summit, then you get down to the hobacks or something and it's warm and the snow is melting. Pow days are like non-other, and you gotta love some of the cliff bands, although some of them are not smart to attempt without prior experience. Steeps, Trees, Pow, Cliffs, and well, Jackson Hole isn't THAT bad of a town. I lived on the Idaho side, so I skied the pass, it was on the way... Lots of fun, just make some friends in the area and it's a good time. Just be prepared for it, I'd say it's a big jump coming from PA, and enjoy!
'...Smoking's bad, smoking killed my dad. Yeah, he was driving down the highway one day and as he was lighting his cigarette, it blew out the window. So he jumps out the door to save it, and ran himself over. Uh, you mind if I smoke?' -Olie Ollaussen, Ski Bum extraordinaire