Went 28 years without being arrested. I was the only one out of all of my friends that hadn't been cuffed. That was until last year. I got pulled over at night because I was "swerving". The cop comes up to my window, and the first thing he says to me is "alright man...wheres the weed". Mind you...I had not smoked any weed in the car, but I had just left my buddies house where I just smoked. I had a gram in my chest pocket of my ski jacket that I was wearing.
So he asks me where the weed is...I tell him I don't know what he is talking about. I expected him to take my license and insurance card, and go back to his car to run my info...allowing me to eat the small nug I had.
But nope.....he pulls me right of the car and says I can either tell him where the weed is...or they are going to bring the dogs and completely tear apart my car, and all of my belongings. I caved in and told him it was in my chest pocket of my ski jacket that I was wearing. It still took him 5 minutes to find the pocket, because I was not allowed to move my hands. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I should have never admitted to anything, he would have never found it on me, and I had nothing in my car
It cost $475 for my car to get towed .4 miles to the local gas station. $500 for my lawyer, $965 in court costs, and 1 year of probation, all for a whopping gram of weed. Spent the whole night in jail for it as well. Nothing like the good ole state of Illinois for you.